Would you like to support

Save A Warrior UK?

You can support Veterans and First Responders by signing up for one or more of the following fundraising initiatives.

  1. Sign up for to get your online purchases generating free money for SAWUK.

  2. Donate directly to SAWUK via the GoFundMe link.

  3. Join the Community of Compassion as a small business owner.

  4. Support a Million Miles Athlete with a £1 per mile donation to their event.

  5. Purchase #SAWUK branded merchandise via our online shop.

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Where does your donation go?

  • Donations to SAW UK go directly into funding the 3-day residential retreat and the 500-day digital support package.

  • We are a non-profit Community Interest Company.

  • Each Seat costs £2500 to fund. This takes into consideration food, accommodation, travel, administration costs, vehicle hire, consumable items and salaries for permanent staff.

  • We seat 10 participants per cohort and our ultimate goal is to run monthly cohorts.

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Ways to Donate and Support Our Community.